Monday, August 18, 2008

I stand in awe of you...

I am speechless…though having said that, I’m now going to attempt to find words to express what happened tonight (tuesday)….I guess three words would sum it up.
God. Showed. Up.
A few weeks ago I had this burning desire for more worship onboard the ship….for people to join together to glorify God. It was that kind of “wont’ go away I have to do something about this” kind of desire that generally only comes when God is opening a door and calling me to do something. As a result of a conversation one night with a bunch of girls form all different corners of the globe, we decided we would meet together for worship. And then we figured we should open it up to whoever wanted to come. We prayed, we planned, and we prayed some more, and I genuinely believed that very few people would show up. I didn’t think many people knew about it, despite advertising…the ship was somewhat pre-occupied with the Olympic games and leaving parties. But people just kept on coming….we began and just welcomed God to come, and for the next hour we simply sang praises to our heavenly father, glorifying Him and placing Him in His rightful place. This was my vision from God for this time, and He was faithful as ever.
Worshipping God has more power than we could ever imagine, and I believe we caught a glimpse of that this evening. Something shifted, both seen and unseen. Worship has so much power in the spiritual realm. We are in a battle, God made that very clear. And just as in the time of King Josiah, they sent out the singers first. I am utterly overwhelmed by God, and yet I know this is only the beginning. He is going to do incredible things. A transformation is taking place. His Kingdom is coming more and more. He alone is God, and He reigns. My words are utterly inadequate to describe Him, but tonight there was spiritual breakthrough on so many levels; in my life and in this community. So come Lord Jesus, and take your place.


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