Friday, June 27, 2008

...still waiting....

i hate waiting. i really really hate waiting. i just want to go....all of the unknowns become worries and stresses the longer i wait....i struggle to keep committing them to God. I've got 36 hours or so left to practice that in this particular waiting game.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

a longer wait than planned...

..a year longer in fact. A year ago I thought that I was heading back to Liberia. Instead I headed to Dundee in Scotland. Not quite what I had planned, but I was incredibly blessed to spend time with the Hot Chocolate Trust doing youth work in a completely new and challenging setting. In January of this year, while I was back in Dundee in fact, the opportunity arose for me to take a position onboard the Africa Mercy; my application from last year was still valid and God had flung the door wide open. So I did.

As of just this morning I received the last amount of money I required....God has provided £2,000 over the past few months in incredible ways. This time next week I will be touching down in Monrovia and returning to the Mercy Ships community and life in Liberia.

I'm once again in awe of God's faithfulness and excited about the journey ahead.